The Angry Birds Movie 2 is a 2019 English language animation comedy movie directed by Thurop Van Orman, while John Cohenhas produced the movie under the banner: Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, & Sony Pictures Animation. The lead roles are played by Jason Sudeikis while the supporting cast includes Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, Bill Hader, Rachel Bloom, & […]
The Angry Birds Movie 2 3rd Day Box Office Collection, India & Worldwide
The Angry Birds Movie 2 is a 2019 English language animation comedy movie. Thurop Van Orman is the director while the producer is John Cohen under Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, & Sony Pictures Animation Productions. When we consider the Casting of this movie, the lead roles are played by Jason Sudeikis, while the supporting cast includes Josh Gad, […]
The Angry Birds Movie 2 2nd Day Box Office Collection, India & Worldwide
The Angry Birds Movie 2 is a 2019 English language animation comedy movie. Thurop Van Orman is a director while John Cohen has produced the movie under the banner: Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, & Sony Pictures Animation. The lead roles are played by Jason Sudeikis while the supporting cast includes Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, Bill Hader, […]
The Angry Birds Movie 2 1st Day Box Office Collection, India & Worldwide
The Angry Birds Movie 2, (2019) which stars Jason Sudeikis in the lead roles. The Angry Birds Movie 2 also stars Josh Gad, Leslie Jones, Bill Hader, Rachel Bloom, & Awkwafina in other important roles. It is directed by Thurop Van Orman and produced by John Cohen under the banner Columbia Pictures, Rovio Animation, & […]